Sunday, August 11, 2013

Glam Up Fido's Gear

To the dog lovers out there:

Have you ever said to your dog "wanna go for a walk," only to realize you have no idea where the leash is and the poor dog is left ferociously wagging his tail?  This happens to me all too frequently.  My dog's leashes seem to get tossed on the entry table, or on a coat rack buried with cold weather gear, or on our laundry room counter that serves as our perpetual catchall.  So, in the spirit of organization, I started making little personalized plaques that can hang fido's leash.  Problem solved!

When my student recently brought home a new puppy, I thought they might enjoy this little plaque. Here it is:

Also in the spirit of organization, I picked up a container to store my pup's food.  I had been using a plastic container, but it kept cracking and I was getting tired of picking up little food pellets all the time. The product is actually sold in the trash can section of Ikea, but I think it works nicely for this purpose...the food stays in the container and it stays fresh.  Double win!  Naturally, I spruced it up just a bit: