Monday, April 22, 2013

Spring Break Crafts

Alright crafty crafters, once we finished the desk, I finally started on the spring break crafting.  I jumped in by learning about the new Silhouette machine that I got for my birthday (2 months earlier!).
Silhouette Cameo Machine
I can't believe I waited so long to experiment with what is now, my new found love!  Let me tell you, this thing ROCKS!  I've already created canvas projects, vinyl wall art, and paper crafts with this little puppy.

The first vinyl project I did was super easy.  I wanted something to delineate the space that I created for my little lady's artwork, so I cut three simple letters that spell "ART." Then I slapped them right on the wall in two seconds flat.  Pretty cool!

As for the artwork, the hubby and I concocted a little hanging display area that allows us to showcase Miss O's latest works and let's us switch them out easily.  I first got this idea when were at IKEA, but  the IKEA price was something like $20.  We made this one for $0 since we already had the wire and the wall screws.  Win!

Next up?  A little felt board for the peanut....

Just about every week Olivia goes to the library for a cute little class called "lapsit."  Depending on the size of the class it can be less cute, and more chaotic, but it's still a great experience.  Anyway, the teacher uses a felt board to encourage the kiddos to learn their colors.  O is usually very intrigued by this, so I thought it would be fun to create a board that we could use at home.  Here is a look at the final product:

I decided I'd go with a weather theme and use the board as a means to talk about the (frequently changing) Oklahoma weather.  Good in theory, but so far Miss O is giving it the "cold" shoulder.

If you are interested, making this board is really simple.  You'll need:
  • 1/2 Yard of felt
  • 1 16x20 canvas board or sturdy cardboard
  • Staple Gun
  • Scissors 
  • Colored felt to cut out shapes and designs
Cover your board with the felt, wrap the felt around the edges, staple to the board, and cut off the excess.  Done!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ikea Desk Upcylced

As I mentioned....I was a crafting MANIAC over my spring break.  But, before I could get started, I needed a place for my craftin' mess.  Suffice to say, our office was no longer going to cut it.  So, with a little (or actually ALOT) of help from my skilled hubby, we upcycled an old ikea table that was in our garage and made it a totally workable craft table in no time.  Here are the pics from the project:

My handsome husband hard at work!  

Just needs a couple coats of paint now!

Drying...almost there!
Done!  Isn't it pretty?!

This is the start of my craft space.  It still needs some sprucing up, but I'm excited!

Here we go!

Hi All,

I'm new to the blogosphere, and I'm here to share my passions with you....cello, crafting, and of course my number one love: my family!  I am a cellist and music professor by day (and night) and a mom to a sweetie pie named Olivia.  Like every other cool craftin' chick, I'm addicted to craft blogs and Pinterest.  Would you expect anything else?  I have a crazy busy schedule and have to sneak this addiction in...usually in the middle of the night.  My husband will be the first one to agree...too many times he will roll over at 2 a.m. and I'll be under the covers with my iPad, checking out that DIY that inevitably, I HAVE to do TOMORROW.

I am completely in love with all facets of my life, but am still holding out for that clone so that I can be all the more committed to each addiction.  My job is probably just about the best job in the world for me personally.  Of course there are challenges, but I LOVE teaching, and I love music.  I started taking music lessons (piano) when I was five and started cello in public school at eight.  I went to school for about a billion years, because any musician will tell you, that's just what you have to do.  Eventually I found a job and could stop going to school...bonus!  I moved myself to Oklahoma to take the job, found myself a fabulous Okie (born and raised!), and now we have a beautiful daughter.

So, that's me.  Now let's get to the good stuff.  I crammed in tons of crafting over spring break and I can't wait to share.  One more thing I should add...I am a total newbie crafter.  Serious newbie, but I'm bound and determined to learn (in the middle of the night, of course!).  Here we go!